Learn about love & romance

About Me & Romance

Time to update about me.

I started this blog 7 years ago. I have one wonderful husband, two incredible children and a grandson. We have just celebrated our 27th Wedding anniversary. There have been interesting times over the past 7 years. We went into business and that added a lot of challenges to us personally and as a couple. We have survived and even thrived eventually. I took a break from blogging for a while but I’m back on deck and will be sharing tips and ideas to keep the romance firing on all cylinders.

I am very keen for your comments on my posts and would like you to share some of your romantic endeavours and bloopers.

Just an encouragement to add romance. Most women were wooed by their man with dinner dates, flowers, compliments and gifts. We fell in love with you because you worked to win our hearts. Don’t ever stop trying and we will love you forever and you will be a very happy man.

My husband has flashes of romantic brilliance. Which is good because if he was romantic all the time it would be too much.

I wrote that last sentence and started wondering what would happen if he were romantic all the time. It would no longer be surprising or mysterious but an expectation. It would mean he would have to work harder at the romance and that would remove the fun and his enjoyment.

I believe that love and tenderness is an everyday thing, but romance is extra. It is best described as the beautiful experiences that let you know your partner knows you and treats you as super special.

Begin the adventure of romance, discover the richness, excitement and passion it will add to your relationship.